LMPV symposia

At this symposium, we discuss the latest developments in light management for solar cells and related topics. The program consists of four talks by international keynote speakers and covers investigations of methods and materials to ultimately go beyond the efficiency of conventional solar cells. This symposium is intended for everyone in solar cell research and provides a broad overview of the most exciting directions in photovoltaic light management.

Organizers: Erik C. Garnett, Bruno Ehrler, Esther Alarcón Lladó, Wiebke Albrecht, Albert Polman (AMOLF), Jorik van de Groep, Peter Schall (UvA)
Website for information and updates:  www.amolf.nl/lmpv

Video recordings of LMPV symposia are available on the LMPV YouTube channel.

LMPV symposium 2024

Live Symposium Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials
Friday June 7, 2024

WiFi: Eduroam or amolfguest

09:15-09:45 – Arrival, coffee & tea

09:45 – Welcome
Erik Garnett

10:00 – Mark Boneschanscher (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Modular scaling to speed up the energy transition
Chair: Erik Garnett

10:40 – Juliane Borchert (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy, Freiburg, Germany)
Metal Halide Perovskites – Tuning the Next Generation of Solar Cells
Chair: Bruno Ehrler

11:20 – How to further enhance PV collaboration in the Netherlands: SolarNL & SolarLab
Bruno Ehrler

11:45-14:00 – Lunch & poster session [main Hall downstairs]

14:00 – Olindo Isabella (Delft University of Technology)
From modelling to realization of high-efficiency crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells
Chair: Wiebke Albrecht

14:40 – Monica Morales Masis (University of Twente)
Vacuum- and Laser-based Deposition of Metal Halide Perovskites: from Dry Mechanochemical Synthesis to Solar Cell Devices
Chair: Albert Polman

15:30-15:50 – Break, coffee & tea

15:50 – Panel discussion: career perspectives for the Energy Transition
Panel members: Mark Boneschanscher, Juliane Borchert, Olindo Isabella, Monica Morales Masis
Moderators: Peter Schall & Esther Alarcón LLadó

16:30-17:30 – Closing and drinks

LMPV symposium 2023

Live Symposium Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials
Friday June 16, 2023

WiFi: Eduroam or amolfguest

09:15-09:45 – Arrival, coffee & tea

09:45 – Welcome
Erik Garnett

10:00 – Pietro Altermatt (Trina Solar, China)
Research to support PV for fulfilling the Paris Agreement
Chair: Erik Garnett

10:40 – Jovana Milić (Adolphe Merkle Institute, Fribourg, Switzerland)
Multifunctional hybrid materials in photovoltaics
Chair: Bruno Ehrler

11:20 – How to further enhance PV collaboration in the Netherlands: National Growth Fund, SolarLab academic PV network
Albert Polman & Bruno Ehrler

11:45-13:45 – Lunch & poster session [main Hall downstairs]

13:45 – 10 years LMPV research program
Albert Polman

14:00 – Shuxia Tao (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Taming defects in halide perovskites: insights from atomistic and molecular modelling
Chair: Jorik van de Groep

14:40 – Panel discussion: The road towards TW scale PV and the role of research
Panel members: Jovana Milić, Shuxia Tao, and Pietro Altermatt
Moderators: Peter Schall & Bruno Ehrler

15:30-15:50 – Break, coffee & tea

15:50 – Heleen de Coninck (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Socio-technical innovation and climate change
Chair: Esther Alarcón Lladó

16:30-17:30 – Closing and drinks

LMPV symposium 2022

Live Symposium Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials
Friday June 17, 2022

09:15-09:45 – Arrival, coffee & tea

09:45-10:00 – Welcome
Bruno Ehrler

10:00 – Anna Fontcuberta i Morral (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Zinc phosphide as an earth abundant absorber for solar cells
Chair: Esther Alarcón Lladó

10:40 – Bob van der Zwaan (TNO, Univ. Amsterdam, Johns Hopkins Univ. Bologna)
Solar energy from an energy and climate scenario perspective
Chair: Peter Schall

11:20-14:00 – Lunch & poster session [main Hall downstairs]

12:45-13:45 – Parallel Business meeting (PV PI’s only): National PV research and innovation strategy
Chairs: Albert Polman, Wim Sinke

14:00 – Patricia Schulze (Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg, Germany)
Monolithic 2-terminal perovskite silicon tandem solar cells
Chair: Wiebke Albrecht

14:40 – Prashant Kamat (University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA) [via Zoom]
Directing the flow of energy and electrons in halide perovskite-molecular hybrids: energy versus electron transfer
Chair: Bruno Ehrler

15:20-15:40 – Break, coffee & tea

15:40 – Panel discussion: The road towards TW scale PV and the role of research
Panel members: Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Patricia Schulze, and Wim Sinke
Moderators: Erik Garnett, Esther Alarcón Lladó

16:15 – Thank you to Wim Sinke, retiring after 40 years of solar energy research and innovation at AMOLF, ECN, and TNO
Albert Polman

16:30-17:30 – Closing and drinks

LMPV symposium June 22, 2021

Online Symposium Light Management in Photovoltaic Materials
Tuesday June 22, 2021

Organizers: Erik C. Garnett, Bruno Ehrler, Esther Alarcon Llado, Wiebke Albrecht, Albert Polman (AMOLF), Jorik van de Groep, Peter Schall (UvA)

09.30 – Welcome by the organizers
09.40 – Christoph Brabec (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Univ. Groningen)
Exploring complex microstructure relations in functional materials by basic optical methods
10.00 – Giulia Grancini (Univ. Pavia)
Understanding and optimizing interface energetics and processes: an essential step towards efficient and stable perovskite solar cells
10.20 – Stephane Collin (CNRS, Paris)
Ultrathin solar cells
10.40 – Break
11.00 – Bram Hoex (UNSW Sydney)
Recent trends and future of industrial solar cells
11.20 – Discussion session
12.00 – Closing, end

LMPV symposium August 30, 2019

Workshop on Light Management in Photovoltaics,
AMOLF and WCW Conference Center, Friday August 30, 2019

Organizers: Albert Polman, Erik C. Garnett, Bruno Ehrler & Esther Alarcón Lladó

Website for information and updates:  www.amolf.nl/lmpv

At this symposium on August 30 we discuss the latest developments in light management for solar cells. The core of our program consists of four talks by international speakers and covers investigations of methods and materials to ultimately go beyond the efficiency of conventional solar cells. This symposium is intended for everyone in solar cell research and provides a broad overview of the most exciting directions in photovoltaic light management. This year’s keynote speakers were Tomas Kirchartz (FZ Jülich, University of Duisburg-Essen), Jean-François Guillemoles (CNRS, Paris), Detlef van Vuuren (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), and Anita Ho-Baillie (UNSW, Sydney).
Find the full program below:

9:15-09:45 – Arrival, coffee
09:45-10:00 – Welcome, by Erik GarnettBruno Ehrler and Esther Alarcón Lladó
10:00-10:10 – In memoriam Tom Gregorkiewicz
10:10-10:55 – Thomas Kirchartz (FZ Jülich, University Duisburg-Essen)
Luminescence-based characterization of lead-halide perovskite solar cells
10:55-11:40 – Jean-François Guillemoles (CNRS, Paris)
Imaging the thermodynamic conversion of energy
11:40-13:55 – Lunch & poster session at AMOLF
13:55-14:40 – Detlef van Vuuren (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)
Long-term energy scenarios to support the IPCC Climate Change assessment
14:40-15:25 – Anita Ho-Baillie (UNSW, Sydney)
Optical and Thermal Management for Perovskite Solar Cells including Perovskite/Si Tandems
15:25-15:40 – Break, coffee & tea
15:40-16:25 – Panel discussion: The road towards TW scale PV and the role of research
16:25-17:00 – Closing and drinks

LMPV symposium June 15, 2018

Workshop on Light Management in Photovoltaics,
AMOLF and WCW Conference Center, Friday June 15, 2018

Organizers: Erik C. Garnett, Bruno Ehrler & Esther Alarcón Lladó

Website for information and updates:  www.amolf.nl/lmpv

At this symposium on June 15th we discussed the latest developments in light management for solar cells. The core of our program consisted of four talks by international speakers, and covered investigations of methods and materials to ultimately go beyond the efficiency of conventional solar cells.
This year’s keynote speakers were Silke H. Christiansen (Helmholtz Center Berlin), Aditya Mohite (Los Alamos National Laboratory/Rice University), Varun Sivaram (Council of Foreign Relations), Filippo de Angelis (University of Perugia).
Find the full program below:

9:30-10:00          Arrival, coffee
10.00-10:15        Welcome by the organizers
10:15-11:00        Silke H. Christiansen (Helmholtz Center Berlin):        Nanomaterials for solar cells
11:00-11:45        Aditya Mohite (Los Alamos National Laboratory/Rice University): Hybrid perovskites: An ideal materials platform with emergent functional properties
11:45-14:00        Poster session, Lunch
14:00-14:45        Varun Sivaram (Council on Foreign Relations): Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet
14:45-15:30        Filippo de Angelis (University of Perugia): Electronic structure and the success of lead-halide perovskites in photovoltaics
15:30-15:45        Break, coffee & tea
15:45-16:30        Discussion session The road towards TW scale PV and the role of research
16:30                    Closing & drinks

LMPV symposium summer 2017

The yearly LMPV summer symposium was very succesfull, with keynote talks by Harry Atwater (Caltech), Frank Dimroth (Fraunhofer ISE), Martina Schmid (Univ. Duisburg-Essen) and Richard Friend (Cambridge Univ.), as well as great poster and discussion sessions.
Find the program of 2017 here.

Harry Atwater discussing ultra-high efficiency GaAs solar panels

LMPV symposium summer 2016

A successful LMPV summer symposium was held at AMOLF, with some 80 attendees, featuring renowned international speakers. The keynote talks were held by: Ted Sargent (University of Toronto), Aron Walsh (University of Bath), Martien Hermie (Fraunhofer ISE), and Jenny Nelson (Imperial College London).
Find the full program here.
