Detailed Balance (DB) Charts

Figures last updated on November 28, 2024 by Daphne Dekker.
Please contact us with your new record-efficiency solar cell data at

The figures shown below provide an up-to-date comparison between world-record solar cell efficiencies for different materials and the fundamental detailed balance efficiency limit.

These plots may be used with attribution to both this website ( and the following article:
Photovoltaic materials – present efficiencies and future challenges
A. Polman, M. Knight, E.G. Garnett, B. Ehrler, and W.C. Sinke, Science 352, 307 (2016). DOI: 10.1126/science.aad4424.

Download all figures with 600 dpi resolution HERE

Efficiencies relative to the detailed balance limit

Fraction of the detailed-balance limit (black line) achieved by record-efficiency cells, gray lines showing 75% and 50% of the limit.

Optical and electrical fractions

The current ratio j = Jsc/ JDB plotted versus the product of the voltage and fill factor fractions (v x f = FF Voc / FFDB VDB) for record-efficiency cells. The lines around some data points correspond to a range of band gaps taken in the detailed balance calculations according to uncertainty in the band gap of the record cell.

Current, voltage, and FF

Single-junction solar cell parameters are shown as a function of band gap energy according to the detailed balance limit (solid lines) and experimental values for record-efficiency cells. Panel 1: Short-circuit current Jsc. Panel 2: Open-circuit voltage Voc. The voltage corresponding to the band gap is shown for reference, with the voltage gap Vg–VDB indicated by the gray shaded region. Panel 3: Fill factor FF = (JmpVmp)/(VocJsc). All data are for standard AM1.5 illumination at 1000 W/m2.

Optical and electrical fractions for selected tandem solar cells

The current ratio j = Jsc/ JDB plotted versus the product of the voltage and fill factor fractions (v x f = FF Voc / FFDB VDB) for record-efficiency cells. The labels correspond to the top//bottom subcell materials of the tandem cell.

References for record-efficiency cells in the updated figures

Crystalline silicon
  • Performance parameters (efficiency 27.4%) (updated November 2024):
    Solar cell efficiency tables (version 65)
    M. A. Green et al., Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl.  (2024).
  • Cell fabrication:
    No information available.
Multicrystalline silicon
Amorphous silicon
Nanocrystalline silicon
  • Performance parameters (efficiency 22.0%) (updated October 2019):
    Solar cell efficiency tables (version 54)
    M. A. Green et al., Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 27, 565-575 (2019).
  • Cell fabrication:
    NREL, private communication, 22 May 2019. (according to M. A. Green et al., Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 27, 565-575 (2019))
  • Performance parameters (efficiency 23.1%) (updated November 2024):
    Solar cell efficiency tables (version 65)
    M. A. Green et al., Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl.  (2024).
  • Cell fabrication:
    No specifics available yet.
  • Performance parameters (efficiency 26.7%) (updated July 2024):
    Solar cell efficiency tables (version 64)
    M. A. Green et al., Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 32, 425-441 (2024).
  • Cell fabrication:
    No specifics available yet.
Antimony Selenosulfide (SbSSe)
Tandem Solar Cells
Perovskite – Silicon
  • Performance parameters (efficiency 34.6%) (updated November 2024):
    Solar cell efficiency tables (version 65)
    M. A. Green et al., Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2024).
  • Cell fabrication
    No specifics available yet.
Perovskite – CIGS
Perovskite – Perovskite
GaAsP – Si
GaInP – GaAs
Perovskite – Organic
Organic – Organic