Written by Tom Veeken (December 2021).
Adapted from Mariken de Ruiter (Designlab)
Instructions for creating a Thesis page using Elementor Page Builder
(see first thesis page of Verena Neder for reference)
To edit the LMPV website, you need to be invited by an admin to become an Editor in the WordPress environment: ask the current website manager for this access.
Using Elementor
Each Elementor page is made up of sections, in which there are columns and in them are the content elements, such as a title, a piece of plain text, an image, a button, an icon or etc…
Each element is nested: page > section > column > content element.
You edit elements in the left tab at the top right “Content”.
Each element can also be edited in terms of design (middle tab at the top right “Styling”) or in terms of layout or function (top right tab “Advanced”).
You’re advised to only edit the content elements; Columns and Sections can be edited in the same way, but this is not desirable.
See also: Elementor Tutorial For Beginners 2021
Use the ‘SHOW MORE’ button below the video to see the topics that are discussed.
See also the official video: Getting Started With Elementor
New page using saved template
Create a new page using template Thesis Page with the Elementor Page builder.
First create the following parts in the classic WordPress editor:
(so don’t click on the blue button ‘Edit with Elementor’ yet)
- Title.
- Featured image, on the right side (this is the photo that will be shared on social media and will be visible in the Google Snippet).
- Set your page as the ‘child’ of the ‘parent’ page called Theses (checkbox on the right side: Page Attributes > Parent Page.
- Under the Sidebar Layout, choose ‘No sidebar’ to make the webpage full-screen.
- Save.
Now click on the blue button ‘Edit with Elementor’ .
Elementor Page builder opens, with the Elements on the left and an empty field on the right where your page will appear.
- You see the first section and text: ‘drag widget here’
- Click the icon to ‘Add template’
- Under My Templates, choose TemplateVerenaNeder > Insert
- Under Settings (far left bottom corner) click ‘Hide Title’
- Edit content where necessary
See also tutorial video by Mariken (Dutch)
Upload media
Upload images using the Add Media button. Then use the Insert button to place it on the page.
Be careful not to upload heavy images to the server. A picture only needs to be about 100KB. First make it smaller using a Photo edit program such as Canva, Gimp or Befunky.
Just like a photo, upload your PDF into the media library. When you click on it in the library, you get ‘Attachment details’ on the right side: there you will see the url of the file on the LMPV webpage. This is the address that you enter when you manually create a link in a piece of text or a button with a link to the relevant document.
Thesis on the General Theses page and in the Theses dropdown menu
When your page is ready, you can publish it. Now anyone with the link can find the page online.
Now you can email the website manager (or any other WordPress Admin) to ask to do 2 final things:
– add your thesis webpage to the website Menu, specifically as a Child page to the Theses menu item
– add your thesis PDF link and cover to the general Theses page.