Are you a master’s student in Physics, Chemistry or a related field, and are you looking for an interesting master’s project?
The NWO-Institute AMOLF, located at Science Park Amsterdam, has master’s projects available in 8 research groups in Nanophotonics and Nanophotovoltaics. All projects are described below. AMOLF is a research laboratory with 60 PhD students, 20 postdocs, and over 30 master’s students from many different universities.
On Tuesday April 18, 2023 from 09.00-12.00 hrs. AMOLF holds a LIVE workshop to present & discuss the master’s projects we have available in the Photovoltaics and Nanophotonics programs.
The planning:
09.00-09.15 Arrival and coffee
09.15-09.30 Welcome, general introduction about internships at AMOLF
09.30-10.15 The group leaders will introduce themselves and briefly present the available projects.
10.30-10.50 Breakout session 1: discuss one project that you signed up for.
10.55-11.15 Breakout session 2: discuss second project that you signed up for.
11.20-11.40 Breakout session 3: discuss potential third project opportunity.
11.40-12.00 Coffee/tea and meet with present Msc & PhD students and ask them questions about their projects and working at AMOLF.
12.00 End
After the Workshop, you can apply for a project.
You can register for the Master Project Workshop by filling in the form below, indicating 2 projects you are most interested in (this helps us plan). Of course, you can get information about all projects during the Workshop. The deadline for registration is Friday, April 14th.
Because of immigration regulations we can only offer projects to students that are EU citizens or enlisted at a Dutch University
If you have questions about the workshop, please contact Ethan Kensett at
These AMOLF research groups will present master’s projects:
Prof. Ewold Verhagen – Photonic Forces Group – Project descriptions
•[1] Controlling the quantum state of an ultracoherent nanostring with light
•[2] Computation with nano-optomechanical resonators
•[3] Optomechanical control of photon polarization
Dr. Wiebke Albrecht – Hybrid Nanosystems Group – Project Descriptions
•[4] Optical tomography by polarization-resolved single-particle scattering spectroscopy
•[5] Charge transfer in plasmonic dimers studied by correlating optical spectroscopy and
electron microscopy
•[6] Monitoring heat generation of plasmonic nanoparticles within a hollow-core optical fiber
Prof. Femius Koenderink – Resonant Nanophotonics – Project Descriptions
•[7] Extreme light interaction in an atomic-scale junction
•[8] A superoscillatory microscope
•[9] Switching the function of a metasurface within a picosecond
Prof. Bruno Ehrler – Hybrid Solar Cells Group – Project Descriptions
•[10] Ultralow energy consumption artificial synapse from halide perovskites
•[11] Looking at the interface in a perovskite solar cell with a microscope
•[12] Study of interfaces in lead-tin perovskite solar cells
Dr. Said Rodriguez – Interacting Photons Group – Project Descriptions
•[13] Measuring transient violations of the 2nd law
•[14] The surprising effect of nothing
•[15] Breakdown of Fermat’s principle?
Dr. Esther Alarcon-Llado – 3D Photovoltaics Group – Project Descriptions
•[16] Electrochemical fabrication of nanopatterned materials for PV devices project 1
•[17] Electrochemical fabrication of nanopatterned materials for PV devices project 2
•[18] Nanoscale mapping of the electrocatalytic activity project 3
•[19]Nanoscale mapping of the electrocatalytic activity project 4
•[20] Optical designing for Novel Optically Driven Catalysis Technology
•[21] Hyperuniform Light Trapping Via Large-Area Self-Assembly
•[22] Probe Force Microscopy Measurements of solar cells
Prof. Erik Garnett – Nanoscale Solar Cells Group – Project Description
•[23] In-operando degradation of halide perovskites with designed grain boundaries under the optical bias
Prof. Albert Polman – Photonic Materials Group – Project Descriptions
•[24] Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of laser-induced phase transformations for roll-to-roll perovskite solar cells
•[25] Light trapping nanopatterned back contacts in perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells
•[26] Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of photonic modes in dielectric nanostructures