Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics Msc Project Workshop at AMOLF 2024

Are you a master’s student in Physics, Chemistry or a related field, and are you looking for an interesting master’s project?

The NWO-Institute AMOLF, located at Science Park Amsterdam, has master’s projects available in eight research groups in Nanophotonics and Nanophotovoltaics. All projects are described below. AMOLF is a research laboratory with 75 PhD students, 20 postdocs, and over 30 master’s students from many different universities.

On Friday May 17, 2024 14.00-17.00 hrs. AMOLF holds a workshop to present and discuss the master’s projects we have available in the Photovoltaics and Nanophotonics programs.

The planning:

14.00-14.15 Welcome, general introduction about internships at AMOLF
14.15-14.45 The group leaders will introduce themselves and briefly present the available projects.
14.45-15.00 Break
15.05-15.25 Breakout session 1: discuss one project that you signed up for.
15.30-15.50 Breakout session 2: discuss second project that you signed up for.
15.55-16.15 Breakout session 3: discuss potential third project opportunity.
16.20-17.00 Coffee/tea and meet with present Msc & PhD students and ask them questions about their projects and working at AMOLF.
17.00 End

After the Workshop, you can apply for a project.

You can register for the Master Project Workshop by filling in the form below, indicating 2 projects you are most interested in (this helps us plan). Of course, you can get information about all projects during the Workshop. The deadline for registration is May 10th, 23:59hrs.

Due to immigration regulations, we can only offer projects to students that are EU citizens or enlisted at a Dutch University.

If you have questions about the workshop, please contact Ethan Kensett at

These AMOLF research groups will present master’s projects:

Prof. Ewold Verhagen – Photonic Forces Group – Project Descriptions
[1] –  Laser-controlled optomechanical metamaterials
[2] –  Computation with nano-optomechanical resonators
[3] –  Slowing down and localizing light in photonic crystals with synthetic strain

Dr. Wiebke Albrecht  – Hybrid Nanosystems Group – Project Descriptions
[4] –  Morphological dynamics of single core-shell bimetallic nanoparticles
[5] –  Interface engineering in hybrid plasmonic-semiconductor systems
[6] –  Correlation of particle morphology to catalytic activity

Prof. Femius Koenderink  – Resonant NanophotonicsProject Descriptions
[7] –  Holographic polarimetric microscopy of metasurfaces
[8] –  Chiral nanoantennas hybridizing with their own mirror image
[9] –  Exploring nonlinear metasurfaces in Fourier space

Prof. Bruno Ehrler  – Hybrid Solar Cells GroupProject Descriptions
[10] –  Understanding the influence of grain boundaries on the dynamics of mobile ions in perovskite solar cells
[11] –  Shedding Light on Tandem Solar Cells through Modulated Techniques
[12] –  A Direct View on Perovskite Stability

Prof. Esther Alarcon-Llado  – 3D Photovoltaics GroupProject Descriptions
[13] –  Investigation of the electrocatalytic activity of plasmonic nanoparticles in aqueous
solutions under illumination
[14] –  Imaging chemical reactions in an optical fiber
[15] –  Hyperuniform Light Trapping Via Large-Area Self-Assembly
[16] –  Selective contact for a new type of solar cell

Prof. Albert Polman  – Photonic Materials GroupProject Descriptions
[17] –  Studying perovskite (in)stability using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
[18] –  Correlating electron diffraction and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy for energy
materials analysis
[19] –  Light-driven reactions studied with novel ultrafast electron-driven spectroscopic tool

Dr. Said RodriguezInteracting Photons Project Descriptions
[20] –  Self-organized criticality of light
[21] –   Measuring transient violations of the 2nd law

Registration Msc Workshop 2024