Photonic control over
light absorption and emission
in photovoltaics

Tom Veeken

We design and
fabricate dielectric
photonic structures
to gain control over absorption and emission in photovoltaic systems


2. Directional quantum dot emission
by soft-stamping on silicon Mie resonators


3. Unlocking higher power efficiencies in luminescent solar concentrators
through anisotropic luminophore emission


4. Anisotropic luminophore emission
for enhanced light trapping in
luminescent solar concentrators


5. Passive radiative cooling of
silicon solar modules with
silica microcylinder arrays


6. Application and validity of
the effective medium approximation to
the optical properties of nano-textured silicon coated with a dielectric layer


7. Plasma focused ion beam tomography for accurate characterization of black silicon
validated by full-wave optical simulations

Nederlandse samenvatting

Summary, publications, and CV

Full thesis


Prof. Dr. Albert Polman
(NWO-Institute AMOLF, University of Amsterdam)

Dr. Jorik van de Groep
(University of Amsterdam)
PhD defense ceremony

May 11, 2022
10.00 hrs.

University of Amsterdam

This work is part of the
Light Management in
New Photovoltaic Materials (LMPV)
program at NWO-Institute AMOLF,
and the University of Amsterdam.

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