LMPV Symposium 2018 – June 15

Workshop on Light Management in Photovoltaics,
AMOLF and WCW Conference Center, Friday June 15, 2018

Organizers: Erik C. Garnett, Bruno Ehrler & Esther Alarcón Lladó

Website for information and updates:  www.amolf.nl/lmpv

At this symposium on June 15th we discussed the latest developments in light management for solar cells. The core of our program consisted of four talks by international speakers, and covered investigations of methods and materials to ultimately go beyond the efficiency of conventional solar cells.


9:30-10:00          Arrival, coffee

10.00-10:15        Welcome by the organizers

10:15-11:00        Silke H. Christiansen (Helmholtz Center Berlin):
1                               Nanomaterials for solar cells

11:00-11:45        Aditya Mohite (Los Alamos National Laboratory/Rice University):
2                             Hybrid perovskites: An ideal materials platform with emergent functional properties

11:45-14:00        Poster session, Lunch

14:00-14:45        Varun Sivaram (Council on Foreign Relations):
3                              Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet

14:45-15:30        Filippo de Angelis (University of Perugia):
4                              Electronic structure and the success of lead-halide perovskites in photovoltaics

15:30-15:45        Break, coffee & tea

15:45-16:30        Discussion session The road towards TW scale PV and the role of research

16:30                    Closing & drinks


About the Author

Tom Veeken

I'm the Program Manager of the LMPV department at AMOLF in Amsterdam.